Tuesday, 13 November 2012

College magazine research.

The reason why I am doing a magazine survey is because I want to find out Ideas to include in my college magazine. I am designing a front page and a content page.  I would like to identify the target audience of the potential magazine. I used a series of question to identify specific criterias of my magazine creation. I asked a variety of question such as age, gender and how often my potential audience read my magazine so I can base my potential magazine around their expectation.

Response I recieved from my survey.

80% of the people who answered my survey were male.
83% were people between the age of 16 and 19.
75% of the people who took the survey say they read magazines.

of that 75%:
54% say they read a magazine less than ones a week
18% say they read magazines everyday
18% say they read magazines ones a week

contents of the magazine that interest my target audience (note this is a multi choice):

63% say sports magazine would interest them.
36% say games magazines would interest them.
36% say movie magazines would interest them.
45% say they would want "other" contents however none specified.
18% say gossip magazines would interest them.

Price for content:

45% of people said they pay more than £2 for a magazine
18% said they would pay between £1.51and £2
27% said they would pay between £1.01 and £1.50

page count:

45% say they would expect more than 20 pages in a magazine.
36% say they would expect between 16-20 pages in a magazine.
while 18% 5 to 10 pages..

contents inside:

27% of people said they would prefere a magazine with a high picture content.
18% of people said they would prefere a magaznie with a high written content.
54% of people said they would prefere a magazine with both of the above.

These results have helped to establish following for my magazine:
Entertainment magazines are the most popular.
the price can be above £2 but theres a big expectation on good quantity.
should aim for at least 20 pages.

my magazine Survey.

Magazine Survey Please could you answer it. :D

Tuesday, 6 November 2012


Definition of Cinematography- The art of making motion pictures. movie shots come in all different angles which stresses a certain part of the movie or show. These show what type of movies or show these people represent. this can also target certain viewing audiences. there are several different shots a show or movie can contain. such as:

Establishing shots (EST)- where the action takles place this sets the scene
Wide shot (WS)- often (but not always) used as an establashing shot.
the point of this is to show the subjects suroundings.

 Long shot(LS) - a shot which shows most or even all of a subject and their surrounding.

 Medium long shot(MLS)- knees to head with some background

Medium shots (MS)- waist to head

Medium two shot (M2S)- similar to above but with two people.

Medium close up (MCU)- head and shoulders

Close up (CU) - shows the characters face, it used to show emotion.

Big close up (BCU)- forehead to chin, used to show extreme emotion.

Extreme close up (ECU)- a very tight shot, for example someones eye or a door handle.

Over the shoulder (OTS)-used during a conversation, medium close up   + the other persons shoulder, head and back etc.used during a conversation, medium close up   + the other persons shoulder, head and back etc.

Over the head shots (OH)- camera will be directly over the objects or actors
High angle (H/A)- could be used to make object/ person powerless.

 Low Angle(L/A) -Could be used to make the object person powerful.
deep shot(DS) - when something is in the foreground and something alse is in the background


 Definition of genre(google)-  A category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, marked by a distinctive style, form, or contenders.
Magazine genres
game magazine-Gamemasters
 Fashion magazine - Vogue
 Gossip - Heat
 Music magazine - Vibe

 modelling magazine

 sport magazine - Sky sports

Introduction to coursework

My blog is being used to record  my progress on my As media coursework, all my research and planning. We will be doing two task-
Preliminary excercise: using DTP(desktop Publisher) and an image manipulation program, produce the front page and contents of a college/ school magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close-up plus some appropriatly laid out text and masthead.
main task: the front page , contents and double page spread of a new music magazine.  must contain minimum of 4 original images.